Españolistos · Episodio 421 - ¿Confundido con el Subjuntivo? [Traducciones con Juan Pablo]En este episodio vamos a hacer

Bill Zoffer
Andrea is pure genius as a teacher: without ever speaking down to listeners, she always manages to communicate key learning concepts in plain, easy to comprehend words -- always pronounced with crystalline clarity. Nate is extremely informative and appealing as the proficient but continuously learning student, whose missteps now and then remind us of our own, and make us feel less self-conscious about making them. You will end up learning a ton from these podcasts, and feeling almost as though you have been welcomed into the family of this very warm, highly capable couple.

Alyssa Finke
Españolistos is the best Spanish podcast I've found. I'm able to understand the majority, but it still challenges me. I like that the topics vary, and appreciate the interviews to hear other accents, as well. A great listen for my commute, chores, and walks.
-Alyssa Finke