Episodio 220 – Guinea Ecuatorial: Un País Africano Donde Se Habla Español


Guinea Ecuatorial

¿Sabías que en África hay un país en el que se habla Español?

¡Es Guinea Ecuatorial!

Hoy, aprenderemos varios datos interesantes sobre este país.

Guinea Ecuatorial obtuvo su independencia respecto a España el 12 de octubre de 1968, pero mantiene el idioma español como lengua oficial junto al francés, y recientemente (a partir de 2010) el portugués.

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About the author 

Nate Alger

I learned to speak Conversationally Fluent Spanish in 1 Year of Semi-Focused Study through language exchanges, online tutors, online teaching, and Podcasts like this one!

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  1. Hello Andrea and Nate, I love your podcast. I have been listening for five months now. I would like to make a small correction, I am from Africa and I would like to say that the continent is not as hot as you think. For example in Uganda, the average temperature is 29°C with some places having as low as 17°C. Although most of the countries have two seasons, south africa has four seasons with average summer temperature of 28°C and wild winter temperature of 17°C.

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