En el episodio de hoy vas a aprender acerca de 7 deportistas famosos que debes conocer por cultura general.
Te contaremos sobre los datos más importantes de sus vidas y luego al final contestarás preguntas.
Vamos a hablar de Tiger Woods, Usain Bolt, Cristiano Ronaldo y algunos mas.
No olvides que puedes ser parte a nuestra membresía.
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I love your podcast, and listen to it often to practice Spanish comprehension! It almost doesn’t matter what the topic is – it’s always fun and helpful.
One note about the latest podcast – if you do one about American athletes, I hope you’ll at least mention baseball, for those of us who love it! 🙂
Joe thanks so much for the kind words and glad you are enjoying the Podcast. Good call on the baseball players! haha this is what happens when we have Andrea’s Colombian cousin come up with the outline. (not much baseball is played in Colombia)
gracias …..
Hola- I love what you guys are doing- I enjoy listening to this podcast- however there wasn’t one female athlete mentioned- queeee!?!?! maya gabeira is a Latina big wave surfer- Sierra quitiquit is a big mountain skier and activist.Those are my 2 favorites. thanks for all your help and keep up the good work!
Hola Sasha, thanks so much for writing in. That was our mistake and we should have realized that before recording. Appreciate your kindness in bringing it to our attention. We recently recorded an episode with the 7 great female athletes here: https://www.espanolistos.com/195/