Episodio 213 – 7 Métodos Para Mejorar Tu Español


7 Métodos Para Mejorar Tu Español

¿Ya tienes un plan y una rutina establecidos para mejorar tu español en este 2021?

En este episodio te contaremos sobre los 7 mejores métodos que puedes usar para mejorar tu español.

Si, de verdad, quieres ir al siguiente nivel debes trabajar en cada una de las diferentes habilidades de manera balanceada y constante.

Get the Free Podcast Transcript & 7 Ways Cheat Sheet PDF [1-Page]

Te animamos a que empieces a utilizar al menos 2 de estos métodos y crear una rutina.

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About the author 

Nate Alger

I learned to speak Conversationally Fluent Spanish in 1 Year of Semi-Focused Study through language exchanges, online tutors, online teaching, and Podcasts like this one!

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  1. Me alregra mucho que recomiendes Coffee Break Spanish!! I actually started using Coffee Break Spanish before finding Espanolistos, and it was an awesome podcast. 🙂 I found Espanolistos better to maintain my more advanced-level Spanish, but I started using Coffee Break Chinese to begin learning a third language. Mark from Radio Lingua’s podcasts are awesome for anyone looking to learn a language outside of only Spanish – he also has French, Italian, German, Polish and Chinese.

    Andrea & Nate,
    Another good one for more beginner/intermediate is Duolingo Podcasts for Spanish. Creo que les gustarian esos podcasts mucho. Hablan sobre las vidas y las luchas de mucha gente en el mundo hispano. 🙂

    1. Thanks so much for listening, Erin. I started out in the early days using Coffee Break Spanish and they do a fantastic job! It’s impressive how they have gone into many different languages and maintained a great consistency.

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