Episodio 203 – 3 Mejores Escritores de Latinoamérica


3 Mejores Escritores

¿Cuántos escritores reconocidos de Latinoamérica puedes nombrar?

¿Quizás uno o dos? 

En este episodio aprenderás sobre 3 escritores muy importantes de la literatura en América Latina. 

Hoy te contaremos sobre Gabriél García Márquez, Gabriella Mistral, e Isabel Allende. En la parte 2 aprenderás sobre 4 autores más que debes conocer.

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About the author 

Nate Alger

I learned to speak Conversationally Fluent Spanish in 1 Year of Semi-Focused Study through language exchanges, online tutors, online teaching, and Podcasts like this one!

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  1. Hola Andrea y Nate, gracias por su podcast excelente. Queria decir a Andrea que Ann con E es una serie hecha en Canada. Tal vez es por eso que no estaba segura de reconocer el acento 🙂 Soy Canadiense y AnnE es muy famosa aqui desde años. Hay muchas series que fueron creadas antes de la que viste en Netflix.
    Saludos desde Toronto y gracias de nuevo 🙂

  2. ¡Hola!
    Gracias por este podcast fantástico. Me interesa mucho la literatura y ya que estoy aprendiendo español como lengua extranjera me encanta descubrir este aspecto para mejorarme.
    Saludos, Pia

  3. Nate, You said you would like to read “Cien Años de Soledad”. I recommend trying it. I am reading (kind of) “El Amor en los Tiempos de Colera” and yes, after 3 years of studying, I am still over my head, but I am enjoying the journey immensly. I have pages of words to expand my vocabulary and then there are the sayings that are not directly translated that are like little hidden treasures giving hints to how the thinking process of a native Spanish speaker works for language. It is so beautiful and exciting. I also read one of the Harry Potter books. That was great, because I already read that in English several times, so I had the idea of what it was supposed to say. That one was pure fun, this one is one heck of a challenge and I am not a super dedicated learner. It might take me 10 years to get through it, but both books were money well spent. Another easy to understand is the Bible. I thought it would be a neat novelty when I bought it, but when I started to use it for language learning, I found that the studying of the language was actually bringing me further into the Word of God and opened up new things for my spiritual growth. Like the Harry Potter books, I already knew what was in there, so the reading itself was easier, but using the Bible to do double duty of reading scripture and learning was unexpectedly far more valuable in both aspects.
    Sorry this is not in spanish, my reading and listening are getting better but my speaking and writing are still painfully hard and I wanted to be understood.
    Thank you fro all you do!

    1. Thanks so much for the recommendation, Julie. Maybe someday I will set out to do it.

      I do read the bible from time to time in Spanish and when we go to church. Understand most, but lots of words in the RVR translation are difficult to understand.

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