Episodio 296 – Mastering Medical Spanish: Entrevista con un Experto



Muchos de nuestros oyentes y estudiantes nos han pedido que enseñemos sobre Medical Spanish, por eso hoy les traemos un recurso que les ayudará mucho. 

Hoy entrevistaremos a Rory Foster, creador de Common Ground International, una academía que enseña español y hace viajes de inmersión a Latinoamérica en los que se enfocan en Medical Spanish o Español para profesores.

Ellos están haciendo un CURSO GRATIS de 10 días sobre Medical Spanish al cual te puedes registrar.

📌 Ve a Common Ground International y regístrate allá.

Get the Word-for-Word Podcast Transcript

Dinos qué fue algo nuevo que aprendiste en este episodio. 🙂

About the author 

Nate Alger

I learned to speak Conversationally Fluent Spanish in 1 Year of Semi-Focused Study through language exchanges, online tutors, online teaching, and Podcasts like this one!

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  1. Thanks for your message Andrea. I watch YouTube, follow your podcasts & have been most impressed at the two interviews relating to medicine. The first one was a relative of your & the second with the husband & wife teachers. (Mastering medical Spanish) I am going to listen to this latter one again as it is the type of fluency I will aim for in Spanish. I am probably one of your oldest listeners but will not give up.

    You & Nate are doing a great job. Best wishes to both.
    Abrazos. Nanou

  2. Best Podcasts ever; for Europeans there is a Lot More to learn about Columbia, than just the Language. I‘ve Never Heard any Details about This interesting Country. Now I ‚m going to buy a Map of Columbia to understand netter what Parts of the Country they Are Talking about. Wonderful for openminded People from all Countries of the World

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