Episodio 141 – Mejores Libros Para Leer Y Aprender Español (para todos los niveles)


Mejores Libros

Varios de nuestros estudiantes nos han pedido que hagamos un podcast donde les demos una lista de los mejores libros para leer y aprender español. Así que por fin la hicimos.

Esperamos que esta lista te ayude. 

Te vamos a decir sobre los mejores 5 libros para principiantes, intermedios y avanzados.

Por favor dinos que piensas de esta lista y si tienes otros libros que te gustaría sugerir.

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About the author 

Nate Alger

I learned to speak Conversationally Fluent Spanish in 1 Year of Semi-Focused Study through language exchanges, online tutors, online teaching, and Podcasts like this one!

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  1. I love the idea of reading in Spanish. I have been trying to read a short story by Jorge Luis Borges (my favorite writer) but it is very difficult. I agree the authors use extensive vocabularies; but I noticed if I read scientific articles one must only deal with limited verbs.

    1. Murrell, try reading the segment in English and then reading it in Spanish. Probably easier than looking up lots of words. Just a thought and something that has worked for me. 🙂

  2. Juan Fernández at 1001 Reasons to Learn Spanish.com (alos in You Tube) has books for beginners and intermediate Spanish learners on Amazon.com. They are books that he has written himself with the vocabulary for students levels A1 (beginner) – B2 (high intermediate) and are more interesting that books usually written for students at that level. Juan is very creative and thinks up these stories himself that are interesting and humorous. I have already bought and read two of them and just ordered a third one. Here is the link:

  3. Jorge Ramos is a Mexican journalist living in the US who has written some books in Spanish that use easy to understand plain English. I have read one called “Stranger”. It talks about the challenges for Latin American immigrants in the United States. He tells stories of his life and gives his perspective on these current issues. The language is simple, it is really interesting and there is no complicated storyline to follow.

  4. I have recently discovered your podcasts and transcripts and love them They are challenging but I am persevering and definitely improving. I have read and listened to about 10 this week and hadn’t once heard either of you use the word ‘vale’. I even went back over the transcripts and used a search function for it. Nada. When I was in Spain everyone used it all the time so I was very surprised not to hear it once. I googled it and discovered that it is a Spanish word and not a Latin-american one. I am surprised by this as it is so ubiquitous in Spain but went with it. Now, I have started a new podcast and Andrea has used it for the first time so I am very confused.

    1. haha Ian, yes you are on the right track. I had that same experience when I went to Madrid and realized everybody says the word “Vale” there. It’s amazing. In Argentina, they say, “Dale” a lot. In Colombia they say vale, but very rarely I think. Thanks so much for listening!

  5. Mardi left a comment recommending Jorge Ramos as someone to read but I feel that I must add that he is a little too political for me. I think he is very left wing. Sorry, but some people might want to know that before picking one of his books to read.

  6. In the podcast there was a lot of talk about looking up unknown words in dictionaries. I have been using a Kindle for seven years and when I started learning Spanish I bought Kindle books in Spanish and a Spanish dictionary. If you install the dictionary, when you read a Spanish book all you have to do is press the unknown word and the dictionary will produce a pop-up with a definition of the word. You can even find short idiomatic expressions as well. The dictionaries don’t necessarily have all the words but it saves a lot of time and doesn’t interrupt the flow of reading as much as looking words up in a dictionary, even an online dictionary, does.

    1. Tienes razón, es una herramienta muy útil a la hora de leer, así puedes continuar con tu lectura sin ningún tipo de interrupción

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