Episodio 129 – Reported Speech | Cómo Decir Lo Que Alguien Dijo


Reported Speech

Hoy vas a aprender cómo reportar lo que otra persona dijo.

Es decir, vas a saber cómo puedes contarle a otra persona lo que alguien más dijo.

Así que vamos a ver 4 casos con 4 tiempos diferentes y veremos cómo se transforma el tiempo para reportar la frase.

Get the Word-for-Word Podcast Transcript

Los 4 casos que vamos a ver son los siguientes:

1) Si alguien dice algo en el PRESENTE, lo reportas en el IMPERFECTO.

2) Si alguien dice algo en PRÉTERITO lo dices en el PASADO PERFECTO.



Parece complicado, pero vas a entender.

Recuerda que puedes descargar la transcripción de este episodio para que puedas leer y escuchar al tiempo.

About the author 

Nate Alger

I learned to speak Conversationally Fluent Spanish in 1 Year of Semi-Focused Study through language exchanges, online tutors, online teaching, and Podcasts like this one!

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      1. This podcast was so helpful and informative. For, One would not automatically know that the tenses would need to be changed that way. Thanks.

  1. Andrea, as usual your Spanish is very clear and easy to understand. However, Nate, in my humble opinion, does not speak very clearly, makes minor errors not related to the subject at hand and is at times hard to understand. Perhaps Nate should answer questions asked by you in Spanish and speak in English for comments and/or questions made to you.

    Also, started listening to the earlier podcast you made. The later ones have much better audio quality……

    Keep up the good work, really like your teaching method…..

    1. Hi Timothy, first off thanks so much for listening to the Podcast. It means the world to us that you listen to the show and took the time to provide some positive and constructive feedback.

      A lot of people listen to the Podcast as it’s almost completely in Spanish so we won’t switch that. However, it’s a further reminder that we need to have Andrea correct me more and more as often times we get talking and she forgets to correct all my mistakes (corrects most, I believe).

      Thanks again and yes the audio quality does get much much better in the later episodes haha.

      Make sure to check out the Spanishland School Podcast if you like Andrea’s teaching as that one doesn’t include me. 🙂

  2. Muchas gracias por este podcast Andrea. Fue muy útil.
    Desafortunadamente, aunque vivo en Neuva York , no podré asistir el NYC meetup on 6/16 porque estoy en Polonia visitando a mi mamá hasta el próxima semana. Espero que en futuro puedo hacerlo.
    Que tengas un buena semana!

  3. What I was really try to say is, a student can only learn up to the level of the teacher. To have a non-native speaker trying to teach a foreign language may work at a lower level. But at the level ‘Españolistos’ is trying to maintain, I would rather hear clear, precise and correct Spanish. So I will try the teaching podcast that you recommended where Andrea speaks the majority of the time….

    Thanks for the suggestion……

  4. Hi Andrea y Nate, thanks very much for this , do you have a follow up listening to this, also what is KISS, one of the other students mentioned it

    1. Hi Mike, we will have a followup Podcast for part 2 in the coming weeks. This weeks is a conversation with Miguel (Episodio 130). KISS represents keep it simple stupid.

  5. Muchisimas gracias por una excelente explicación!
    Era lo que necesitaba aunque sabia los casos 1ro y 4ro. Justo a tiempo.

    1. Hi guys,
      I really get a lot from your podcasts so thanks so much. As I’m sure others have said before, I like the dynamic of a native speaker and a (high level) learner. Nate makes mistakes that I definitely would myself, so I can focus on these and how to correct them. With two native speakers, I feel like this can be skipped over as the errors obviously are not made, and we rely on the native speakers to know/remember where students usually make mistakes. Your dynamic together also makes good listening.
      Thanks heaps Nate and Andrea!

  6. Nate and Andrea thank you very much. The two of you working together as a team helps to make Spanish more realistic and accessible. Thank you both for your hard work.

  7. Hola Andrea y Nate,
    I am from Germany and I love to learn Spanish.(after 15 years without holidays and only hard working my husband and I we have fallen in Love with Santander, not in Colombia but in Cantabria where it is really Spanishland! this for I have to learn Spanish and I love it. And Nate, I like your accent and your little mistakes very much, and by the way I would be happy speak so fluent like you. More from you both together would make me happy. I t gives me the feeling not to be alone.🤣😂 and it makes everything so natural. in my opinion Spanish is so easy but so difficult as well. I am so happy to found you! Everything you offer ist so helpful , so it gives me a lot of hope finely to speak and understand a little bit better Spanish .Thank you for so much creativity. A mi muy bien hecho y por favor Sigue así los dos juntos❣️

  8. Many thanks. I’ve only just found you on the internet, but love the clear explanations and especially the transcripts. These mean I can go at my own pace. I’m in the UK so European Spanish has a slightly different pronunciation of some words, notably ‘c’. However, it doesn’t alter the structure.

  9. Andrea and Nate,

    He aprendido mucho de este podcast. Fue una experiencia fantástica! Muchas gracias.

    You’re a fantastic team!


  10. I was listening to this podcast for a 2nd time, and I thought of a question for Andrea:

    My understanding is that the (Simple) Future Tense, comparé, visitaré, caminaré, etc…, is used more in written Spanish than conversation, and that ‘ir a ___ is used more in conversational Spanish, i.e. “voy al banco”. So, my question is if Andrea says “Nate I’m going to the bank” how would Nate tell Miguel what Andrea said? Would he use the IMPERFECT tense: “Miguel, Andrea dijo que ella iba al banco” or would he use the CONDITIONAL tense as if she actually spoke the FUTURE tense like “Miguel, Andrea dijo que ella iría al banco”.

  11. Me encanta este tipo de podcast! Andrea explica muy claramente y en una manera sencilla y a la vez puedo tener una competición con Nate y ver si puedo hacerlo sin errores . Y gracias por los transcripts. Nate, soy de Oregon tb. Escuché a tus historias de la niñez…..

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