Episodio 117 – Tips Sobre Subjuntivo Imperfecto y Condicional


Subjuntivo Imperfecto y Condicional

El episodio de hoy es una clase en la que Nate va a aprender sobre el subjuntivo imperfecto y el condicional simple.

Esta es una lección muy interactiva en la que vas a aprender como usar estas dos estructuras correctamente y como conjugar los verbos. 

No olvides que puedes descargar la transcripción de este episodio para que puedas leer y escuchar al tiempo.

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About the author 

Nate Alger

I learned to speak Conversationally Fluent Spanish in 1 Year of Semi-Focused Study through language exchanges, online tutors, online teaching, and Podcasts like this one!

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  1. Hey guys. Frequent listener of the podcasts here. Gotta say that the style of episode 117 was really great. Really appreciated coverage of a topic that’s rarely covered for free on the internet. But… I especially liked the format used for the lesson. I liked the idea of reviewing a couple sample grammatical formations with a pretty spontaneous lesson between you two. Really helped to hear Someone else get called out for their errors. Kinda like i got to sit in the back of the class while someone else takes the blame for being wrong.. Really appreciate it and hope to hear more following this format in the future.

    1. Dan, thanks so much for the kind feedback! We will definitely be doing more of these types going forward as I now they are just as helpful for others as they are for me. 🙂 Make sure to check out the others that we did awhile back like the differences between por and para. Have a great day!

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